Bai..kak ct try cari balik entry pasal ayam goreng berempah ni tp payah nak jumpa la coz Bai x wat label..ingat nak linkkan. Sib baik resepi dah salin awal2.
Ayam goreng berempah ni makan bersama gulai daging yg mak mertua kirim..seedap!! Syaza makan bertambah2...
Bai mintak izin copy & paste resepi ye..
Wash chicken & put them aside. Blend onions, garlic & an inch of ginger. Marinate the chicken with the blended ingredients, a pinch of salt, a packet of meat curry powder, sweet soy sauce & jintan putih & manis (not too much jintan or it would spoil the taste).
Keep refrigerated for at least an hour & then deep fry in wok. Once you take them out of the wok, quickly pour some sweet soy sauce on them. Serve them hot.
Simple je resepinya.. selamat mencuba.
P/s: Kayla..kak ct dah buat owl macam kat templete blog..tgk sini..